Monday, August 24, 2009

Subscribe To Our Colourful Feeds

Hello, yet,again another improvement.

Although we started our feeds page about 45 days age, but it was simple text feed and we decided to make it more colorful and appealing.
Now, our visitors can subscribe to our colourful feeds full of most sought after pictures with every feed.You can subscribe free to our feed and can know updated news and information from the world of information and entertainment.

Now view the daily updated news and content on our website by simply subscribing to it.

So,now open your readers to world of informative and entertaining news and articles.

Subscribe now to our colourful feed.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The New Comments and Search Options

Today, a major innovation and improvement that appeared on our website ,ohhh! not appeared by itself but our efforts and hard work ,of course .

Introducing comments

The new interactive feature that will allow our visitors now to post their comments and opinions about certain topics ,articles and news.This comment option is available in every area of our website-- relationships,parenting ,kids health,fitness,movies,hollywood,news and celebrities.This comment is courtesy of for providing a very important social and interactive addition to our site.

Introducing Search Option

Now,our visitors who are looking for a particular information does not have to do ,"needle in haystick" job.As our web magazine is very diverse in nature and it contains very wide variety of topics.Also,our site is very dynamic and it changes daily and we add new content on daily basis.So,our visitors who need to search our website,can take advantage of google search engine on the top of almost all web pages.

The Most Popular Searches

The most searched items on any website not only are the pride of website,but also guide the new visitors to easily search for their required information.We have categorized the most done searches in last 10 days not only on each web page individually , but also,in the sidebar section on the top,there is complete analysis of most searched items.

Hopefully,our visitors will like the new additions to our site and these additions will help them to navigate our website more easily.All visitors! enjoy your visit.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Sex-Starved Husbands and The Sex-Deprived Wives

Wanted to share a news and an article that came almost side by side from two different sides of the world.

The Afghanistan passed law that husbands have the right to strave their wives if they refuse sex.The sex starved men can now ,starve their wives LAWFULLY till they consent.The law, a tamer version of one that caused an international outcry earlier this year, allows men to withhold food from a wife who refuses to have sex. For as long as he sees fit. That's right, husbands have been given the option of starving their wives to death.

The law also leaves a woman's right to work solely in the hands of her husband.

On the other hand, a very interesting articles came about the sex deprived Japanese wives. Japan is on verge of demographic disaster as the trend towards late marriages is increasing.Majority of the japanese women are suffering because their husbands have no interest in them sexually.

The 200 women a year who seek help at a clinic in the Tokyo suburbs have not had sex with their husbands in up to 20 years, and some never, according to Kim Myong-gan, who runs the clinic.

"The women who come to see me love their husbands and aren't looking for a divorce," he told the Guardian. "The problem is that their husbands lose interest in sex or don't want sex from the start. Many men think of their wives as substitute mothers, not as women with emotional and sexual needs."

Mr Kim's short-term solution is unconventional. After an initial 20,000 yen (£100) counselling session, he produces photographs of 45 men, mostly professionals in their 40s, with whom the women are invited to go on dates and then, in almost all cases, arrange regular assignations in hotel rooms.

Mr Kim dismissed charges that his service was little more than a male prostitution ring.

Well, don't you think that we are looking at very two different extremes here.Leave your comment if you agree or disagree with my point.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our Humble Press Releases and Some Remarks from Fellow Sites

Cherishing Life that published its first edition in June,2009 has recently,published its third August Edition.In this three months journey,many changes have been made and many innovations have been introduced.Right along this journey,we have some very nice press releases to share with you.

Here are the links to our newest press releases:

  1. Lifestyles Magazines Got a New Leader -- Wire Service Canada

  2. Cherishing Life -- an Emerging Web Magazine Published its August Edition ---1888press release

  3. With this third edition,Cherishing Life has started making its mark in the magazine industrty

  4. Cherishing Life , a Family and Lifestyle web Magazine published its August,2009 Edition ---Free Press Releases

  5. Cherishing Life -- A Web Magazine Published its August Edition --- Yahoo Buzz!

  6. A magazine aiming at including every possible topic has seemed to succeed so far , with diverse accumulation of topics. ----- i-newswire

During these three months ,some of the webmasters were very kind to give us some time and reviewed our site.Here,are some of the nice comments about the site .Thanks to the webmasters that contributed in Cherishing Life Review.

"Very informative and enjoyable to read" ------


"What an amazing site- you have so much information. I enjoyed the astrology (mine totally fit) and the celebrity gossip. Best of luck!." ---


"A very interesting social site with plenty of content, I like the way you have soo many different topics and they are all accesible from the home page. some may say that the site seems a little cluttered but I have no problem with that considering the content. I wish you luck." ------------


"This is loaded site. Lots of things are discussed here. Good work! Of course, I like the "relationships" area. I predict you will have a large following. Good navigation and good response. "---------


"I like your low calorie recipes. They are different from anything I've seen before. I will be trying them out. Keep up the good work.." --


"i enjoyed your site and found it very interesting. i wish you the best of luck in your online venture. steven" ----


So, these were some of the nice reviews that we receieved.Want to leave your review,you can leave it here in the comments section or at our contact e-mailing address.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Five Foods to Avoid for effective Weight Loss

Anyone who is trying to lose weight should avoid eating certain foods. Eating everything in moderation is said to be a general rule of thumb for dieters. However, there are some foods which should not be eaten too frequently. If you really want to shed pounds, it may be a good idea to give up some of these foods. Here are five foods to cut out of your diet for weight loss.

1. Ice Cream

While everyone loves this delicious treat, it is known to be very high in calories and fat. Most ice cream is also very high in cholesterol. If you eat ice cream even once a week, it is possible to gain twelve or more pounds per year. Some varieties are labeled as low fat or fat free but this does not necessarily mean that they are all that healthy.

2. Pizza

Another one of the foods that someone who is trying to lose weight should avoid eating is pizza. Depending on the specific pizzeria and the type of pizza that you prefer, you could be eating 300 calories or more per slice. Eating plain cheese or vegetable pizza is a good way to reduce the amount of calories that can be consumed by pepperoni, sausage, or other unhealthy meats on pizza.

3. Hot Dogs

Meats that are high in sodium, such as hot dogs and bologna, are known to be very unhealthy. Not only will they cause you to experience weight gain, but they will also cause high cholesterol and may even lead to heart disease and stroke. Switching to turkey dogs or veggie dogs is one of the best ways to satisfy your taste buds for hot dogs and also overcome the weight that can be gained from eating them.

4. Condiments

It is best to do without condiments whenever you possibly can. They can be very high in calories, cholesterol, and fat. It is possible to add over 100 calories to any given meal if you use the wrong condiments. Making healthier choices, such as low-fat or reducing the amount that you use, can help prevent weight gain from condiments.

5. Chicken Wings

Many people on diets automatically assume that it is acceptable to eat all types of chicken, since it is known to be one of the healthiest types of meat. Chicken wings are one of the fattiest area on the chicken, however. One wing can contain anywhere from 200 to 400 calories, depending on the specific chicken wing recipe. Since most people eat six to twelve or more chicken wings, this can be a problem.

The Top Foods Guaranteed to make you lose weight

The Cardio Workouts for Beginners

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tamiflu _for_kids

Children with seasonal flu should not be given Tamiflu because harmful side effects may outweigh relatively meagre benefits, according to a study released Monday.
In some children Tamiflu caused nausea and vomiting, which can lead to dehydration and other complications, researchers reported.
The study did not cover the current outbreak of swine flu, but it suggests that antivirals may not significantly reduce the length of illness or prevent complications in children infected with the new A(H1N1) virus, the researchers said.

Carl Henegan, a doctor at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford and co-author of the study, said the current British practice of giving Tamiflu and Relenza -- the brand names for the antivirals oseltamivir and zanamivir -- for mild illness was "an inappropriate strategy."
"The downside of the harms outweigh the one-day reduction in symptomatic benefits," he said.
The research showed that both antivirals shortened the duration of seasonal flu by 12 to 36 hours.

GMTV's anchor person Andrew Castle said that his daughter almost died after taking Tamiflu.Mr Castle said that Georgina, the elder of his two daughters, who has asthma, suffered a "respiratory collapse" after being given the medicine at Alleyn's School in Dulwich, south London, which was the centre of one of Britain's first outbreaks in May.
The confrontation came as they discussed a report in the British Medical Journal which suggested that it should not be given to children under 12.

For watching video about the use of Tamiflu for children under 12 years of age,log on to Cherishing Life Videos.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Another Concern For Over-Weights : More Prone to Swine Flu

On top of every health concern that poor over-weights and obese are facing , there is another threat to their cosy cuddly existence.

Over- weights are likely to lose 2 years of their poor life with increase of an inch.They are more prone to heart attacks and hypertension because of over-worked heart.Diabetes,depression,poor self-image,Bulimia,and many other side effects and consequences of being over-weight.Yet, there is one more shocking and worrying news for obese persons.According to latest findings and observations , swine flu virus seems to like soft,cuddly and big bodies.

A recent report shows a “striking” prevalence of obesity among patients hospitalized in Michigan.

Video Showing That Obese People are more Likely to Catch Swine Flu.

Nine of 10 patients with the pandemic flu strain admitted to an intensive care unit at Ann Arbor from late May to early June, were obese and seven were “extremely obese,” with a body mass index of at least 40, doctors said. Three of the 10 died and seven had no other known health problems.

A survey of people hospitalized because of swine flu in California has raised the possibility that obesity is as much of a risk factor for serious complications from flu as diabetes, heart disease and pregnancy, all known to raise a person's risk.

"We were surprised by the frequency of obesity among the severe cases that we've been tracking," said Anne Schuchat, one of the CDC epidemiologists managing the swine-flu outbreak.
She said "we're looking into" the possibility that obese people should be at the head of the line along with other high-risk groups if a swine-flu vaccine becomes available.

Some other studies have shown that pregnant women are also at higher risk for serious influenza infection, especially in the third trimester when the fetus and womb compress the lower regions of the lungs. This makes it harder to breathe deeply and cough forcefully; it may also alter blood flow in the chest. A similar thing may be occurring in severely overweight people, some experts speculated.

For more news and updates about Tamiflu and Swine flu,

Health and Fitness

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The August ,2009 Issue

At last , the work is done and all the magazine topics for August are compiled.
We worked on a new look for the magazine and our regular reader will feel the change on the home page of website.The outlook is more organised to ward off some complains about jumbled material.

The focus on this issue is on communications-- be it communications between spouses or the communications between children and parents.Improving the relationships is the key to improve the over -all outlook of your life.

Children Development
To have healthy children, three steps are crucial for their emotional and psychological well being and growth.Coomunication with children since their babyhood is very important and giving them quality time to play with parents not only strengthens the gifted bond between parents and babies but also the later relationships of children is greatly effected by this earlier time.

The school days are back and so are the stress and tension for kids and this issue,get ready for the school tension free and with organisation.Also,tasty lunch treats for kids are also included.

Stretch marks is the big cause of consternation for both men and women.Despite the common misconception that stretch marks once formed cannot be cured.There are certain home remedies for stretch marks that have proven useful for fading and reduction of stretch marks.

There are certain foods that burn fat and have less calories ,yet they are satisfying at the same time.Read about which foods to avoid and which foods to use for fat burning and calorie intake reduction.Also, read about the cardio workout guidelines to maximize the benefits.

The unique and amazing collection of tasty yet,low fat and low calorie recipes for healthier life and living.

Also, a huge collection of hollywood movies reviews,games reviews,hot and latest celebrity news and gossip.Free contests,greetings,memberships and lots more fun.